Engage -Educate - Empower
Guardians of Liberty in Southeast Missouri will engage, educate and empower citizens in order to preserve the Blessings of Liberty as secured by the Missouri and United States Constitutions and other founding documents.
Next Meeting – What are MO Legislators Doing?
Come for an open forum discussion about what the Missouri legislators are up to this session.

Come Hear Alex Newman

Who We Are
Guardians of Liberty is a non-partisan, community-based, grassroots organization that functions as a liberty focused group at the local level. We firmly believe it is within our own municipalities, precincts, counties, and districts we can make the most impact on public policy. We firmly believe there is strength in numbers, and as we stand together united for liberty, we will be a powerful force within these communities. We welcome all citizens who believe in the original intent of the United States Constitution as written by the founders; that individual liberty is a God-given right and Missouri is a sovereign state which must be protected along with United States sovereignty.
The Proper Role of Government
Listen to this excellent speech by Ezra Taft Benson on the role government should play in our lives. Namely, that role should be limited and there should be an emphasis on personal responsibility.
Stay Involved
Be part of the patriot movement to protect and restore American freedom, independence, and our God-given rights. Sign up for news updates and to learn about local opportunities to get involved.